You can run the Mentor Graphics ModelSim-Altera software, provided with the Quartus II software, from the ModelSim-Altera interface or with command-line commands.
Modelsim is one of the best multi-language HDL simulator developed by Mentor Graphics. Modelsim is essential for simulation of hardware description languages such as VHDL, Verilog and SystemC. Modelsim includes also a powerful C debugger. ModelSim can be used independently or in conjunction with Altera Quartus or Xilinx ISE/Vivado. ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition (MSSE); ModelSim-Altera Edition (MSAE). The two differences between ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition and ModelSim-Altera Edition are that simulation performance are best with MSAE and with the MSSE you cannot compile more than 10,000 lines of code. There's of course another difference: MSSE is free, MSAE is paid. Aug 09, 2021 ModelSim (modelsim.exe). ModelSim is a program recommended for simulating all FPGA designs (Cyclone®, Arria®, and Stratix® series FPGA designs). ModelSim has a 33 percent faster simulation performance than ModelSim®-Altera® Starter Edition. ModelSim apears in two editions Altera Edition and Altera Starter Edition. My design successfully compiled on Quartus II v.11.0 sp1, and i try to simulate it using Modelsim-Altera web free edition 10.0 C. I open a new project (.mpf)on modelsim Altera V. 10.C and add the (.vho) files from simulation directory of the design ( I use this method along the different stages of. EDG Quartus/Modelsim Tutorial. This tutorial is for use with the Altera DE-nano boards. There are a number in the eshop. See Mary if you cannot find one. In this tutorial, we will program the DE-nano board, to be a simple 3 bit counter. The leds labelled led1, led2 and led3 will be the outputs. The values will change each time Button1 is pushed.
To set up a ModelSim project with the ModelSim-Altera interface:
Modelsim Altera Student Edition
If you have not already done so, set up the ModelSim-Altera working environment.
- Start the ModelSim software.
- To specify the project directory:
On the File menu, click Change Directory.
In the Directory Name box, type the path to the project directory .
In the Look in list, select the project directory.
Click Open.
Note: If you are performing a functional simulation, the project directory is usually the directory that contains the design files. If you are performing a timing simulation, the project directory is the <project directory>simulationmodelsim directory or the location you specified in the Output directory box of the Simulation page in the Settings dialog box.
To create a new work library:
On the File menu, point to New and click Library. The Create a New Library dialog box appears.
Under Create, click a new library and a logical mapping to it.
In the Library Name box, type the library name.
In the Library Maps to list, select the work library.
Note: When you run the ModelSim software independently from the Quartus II software, you should name your library work. |
To set up a ModelSim project with command-line commands:
If you have not already done so, set up the ModelSim-Altera working environment.
- Start the ModelSim software.
Change to the directory where the ModelSim libraries are located after they are compiled.
To create a new work library, type the following command at the ModelSim prompt:
vlib work
ModelSim compiles the design files to library work by default.
To change the default library, type the following commands at the ModelSim prompt:
vlib <user defined library>
vmap work <user defined library>
Modelsim Altera Download
Note: When you run the ModelSim software automatically from the Quartus II software, your work library is automatically mapped to rtl_work for RTL simulation and gate_work for gate level simulation. The libraries are created in the <project directory>simulationmodelsim directory or the location you specified in the Output directory box of the Simulation page in the Settings dialog box. |
Before performing a functional or timing simulation, you should map to libraries and compile design files with the ModelSim-Altera software.
To continue the ModelSim-Altera flow, you can perform a functional simulation with the ModelSim-Altera software, and then you can perform a timing simulation with the ModelSim-Altera software.