Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake

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Howling at the moon

With a great title like Ghosts Dogs of Moon Lake, you'd expect a rip-roaring adventure full of thrills, chills and spills. And indeed, this cracking Nancy Drew mystery delivers on just about every front, making it a vital addition to any fan of the junior detective, alongside The Secret of the Scarlet Hand. This one sees Nancy and her chum enjoying the peace and quiet of a charming lakeside cabin when the sudden appearance of strange, vicious dogs with glowing red eyes indicates there's something rotten here and which needs to be investigated. What follows is fairly typical stuff for the genre, this being a first-person point-and-click romp, where you must explore the lake and surrounding area, questioning the locals to uncover the bizarre history of the area, and solve puzzles to get to the bottom of the mystery. The puzzles are fairly varied but are mostly inventory-based but you'll also need your best detecting hat on as the interrogations of the locals requires paying firm attention to what they say. Ghost Dogs really is a top notch Nancy Drew adventure that ranks as one of the best in the series. It is a pretty scary one so if you're easily freaked out or have younger gamers in the house, you might want to be a bit careful. It's also quite a difficult game so help might be required somewhere along the line, too. However, there's no denying that this is dripping in atmosphere, with superb sound design and splendid visuals that really immerse you in the story. There is an annoying maze but apart from this, this is great stuff.

See full list on Jun 16, 2017 Posted in: #06 - Secret of the Scarlet Hand, #07 - Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, #08 - The Haunted Carousel, #09 - Danger on Deception Island, #10 - The Secret of Shadow Ranch, #11 - Curse of Blackmoor Manor, #12 - Secret of the Old Clock, #13 - Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon, #14 - Danger By Design, #15 - The Creature of Kapu Cave, #16 - The White. Nancy Drew®: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake is a first-person perspective, point-and-click adventure game. The player is Nancy Drew and has to solve a mystery. Explore rich environments for clues, interrogate suspects, and solve puzzles and mini-games. A friend’s frantic note sends you, as Nancy Drew, on the trail of a mysterious pack of dogs whose.

For a lot of people, Ghost Dogs is one of the underrated legends in the Nancy Drew game series. However, while having a solid plot and interesting subject matter, it is bogged down by a poor suspect cast and an endless supply of uninteresting chores.


In this adventure, Nancy travels to Moon Lake following the request of her friend, Sally, who recently bought a house there. When Nancy arrives however, Sally is gone, frightened away by a pack of phantom hounds, believed to be the spirits of the dogs who used to live in the house. While the residents are convinced the phantom hounds are guarding the house following the death of their outlaw owner, Mickey Malone, Nancy believes the hounds are just an act to scare Sally away from the property. But, for what reason?


The opening of this game is very well done. As soon as Nancy arrives, the foreboding music and eerie howls start, followed by frantic phone calls from Sally and Nancy’s eventual encounter with the dogs. I’m yet to see a Nancy Drew game reach such dramatic heights in its opening scene (except perhaps in The Final Scene), but it definitely works in its favour: the opening really sets the tone for the rest of the game, establishing a sense of urgency and need for Nancy to quickly solve the mystery before the ghost dogs return and present a real danger to her.


The opening is one of the most suspenseful of the series, with Nancy being quickly confronted with the reason for her friend’s sudden departure when the ghost dogs arrive.

Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake

Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake Download

The other strength of the game is its historical setting, based in the Prohibition Era. For most of the game, Nancy is trying to learn about the ghost dogs by examining the life of the flamboyant outlaw, Mickey Malone, and his daring escapes from the authorities. Malone, as a character, was very well done. Unlike other games in the series, I liked that the writers didn’t rely on personal journal entries or long descriptive monologues to try and bring depth to Malone. Instead, we learn about Malone and his character entirely through his interactions with others and the decisions he made during various points of his life. This is character development at its finest.

Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake Boat

Therefore, it was a shame that the suspects didn’t have anywhere near the depth of Malone or his band of supporters. There is barely any interaction with them and their motives for scaring Sally away are fairly weak, at least until the idea of Malone’s treasure comes around. Most of the suspects were simply caricatures of popular stereotypes, such as the uptight park ranger, or the deluded bird watcher. The weak cast of characters is especially noticeable at the end when the culprit is revealed. While a culprit’s reveal should be somewhat surprising, it should still feel like the culprit was capable of committing the crime. I suspected the culprit very early on but their character did seem like it had done a total three-sixty in order to carry out the actions they did during the game/at the end of the game.

The story behind Malone and his pack of hounds is certainly interesting. Unfortunately, not much else is when Nancy must spend most of the game completing chores and avoiding interaction with a dull cast of suspects.

Nevertheless, the main problem with this game is that it gets lost in chores that Nancy carries out for the other residents living at Moon Lake. The issue isn’t so much the number of chores, but rather every chore Nancy does takes much longer than it should. For example, in a bird-watching task, it transpires Nancy can’t just record the cries of the birds she needs because she is missing valuable equipment unavailable to her until she fails the first time. Similarly, in a bug-collecting task, Nancy is unable to merely collect the bugs she needs from the woods, because most can only be found at certain parts of the day. I suspect these chores were extended to compensate for the game’s short running time but, after the great opening, the chores really bogged down the suspense and urgency established so well in the introduction.

Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake Cheats

Overall, I definitely understand why many people love this game. The mystery – both of the ghost dogs and the previous owner of the house – is really interesting, and probably the best of the Nancy Drew series that I’ve seen so far. Unfortunately, the suspects and general gameplay – focused on Nancy completing drawn-out chores – really prevented the game from being one of the most outstanding in the series.