Cannabis Grow Bible


Cannabis grow bible
The definitive guide to growing marijuana just got better!
Greg Green’s original Cannabis Grow Bible set a new standard for handbooks on cannabis horticulture and established Green as the leading authority in the field. Green’s comprehensive and professionally presented work on how to cultivate superior cannabis struck a chord with beginner, amateur and professional growers alike—leading to sales of over 55,000 copies of the first edition of the Cannabis Grow Bible.
The second edition of the Cannabis Grow Bible delivers even more of what growers are looking for—fully updated and illustrated, with a new section on organics, all in glorious color!
In the Cannabis Grow Bible, Green describes methods for growers who want to maximize yield and potency. Green’s signature style blends a solid understanding of marijuana botany with practical real-world advice to help growers cope with the day-to-day demands of maintaining a high-yield garden. The book covers everything from selecting the best plant genetics to dealing with pests and predators and protecting your crop from prying eyes. It explains the 'Screen of Green' technique that gives a higher yield using fewer plants, an important development for American growers who, if caught, are penalized according to number of plants.
Greg Green’s Cannabis Grow Bible remains the only definitive reference available to fully explain both the art and the science behind growing the world’s best cannabis—from indoor and outdoor techniques, soil and hydroponic grows, and now organic gardening. Beginners, amateurs, and pros alike will benefit from Green’s easy-to-follow style and instructions and the accuracy, breadth and depth of information presented. Professionals will especially benefit the chapters on advanced systems and breeding. Marijuana cultivators everywhere will enjoy the new, full-color edition of the Cannabis Grow Bible.

Cannabis Grow Bible Torrent

The Cannabis Grow Bible. At the moment there are approximately 450 seed varieties of Cannabis on the market today. Out of the 450 seed varieties, 200 are worth looking at and out of the 200 varieties about 50 or so are outstanding. This is an essential aspect of cannabis reform: to convince consumers to diversify their sources of supply by growing their own cannabis. Growing cannabis enables one to reduce drastically the costs and at the same time establish a closer relationship with the plant itself. Its amazing adaptability, acquired through centuries of travel to all four. The Office of Cannabis coordinates with City departments and state agencies to develop policies and regulate the local cannabis industry. We ensure that local public health, safety, and social justice goals are met. Described as a grow guide for beginners, The Marijuana Grow Bible is a solid source for new cultivators interested in getting an uncomplicated run-down of the basic techniques for growing. It’s written in a straightforward style that’s easy to understand even though it describes a very delicate, particular and involved process. Though hemp is the sober botanical cousin to cannabis, growing a hemp crop in the United States is still illegal due to the misguided war on marijuana, and so America continues to import hemp from Canada and China to use for food and clothing.