Terminal Commands To Look Like A Hacker

Therefore, if you have just made a mind of becoming a hacker then you could learn to utilize these ten best CMD commands used in hacking. 15 Best CMD Commands Used for Hacking in 2019 We all know that Command Prompt is one of the most powerful tools in Windows which is well known by CMD. Custom command line. You can give your command line some style with Oh my Posh and Terminal-Icons. These tools allow you to customize what your prompt looks like with colors, glyphs, and emojis. To get Oh my Posh with Posh-Git and PSReadline up and running, you can follow this tutorial. Some MacOS users might be intimidated by the Terminal and its commands. When using Terminal on Mac, it might look like you are trying to hack into a system. While of course, it is not the case, knowing Mac Terminal commands will give you an upper hand in mastering the MacOS environment. Nov 12, 2018 You don’t need to know much to feel like a hacker! Accessing the Command Prompt. If you are using a Mac computer, the best way to access the command line is to open the program called Terminal. Windows computers do have a native Command Prompt program; however, I will be using Unix/Linux commands, which will not work in the Command Prompt.

  1. Hacker Typer
  2. Terminal Commands To Look Like A Hacker
  3. Terminal Commands To Look Like A Hacker On Roblox

To begin, start typing on your keyboard and your hacker code will immediately appear! You can also enter full screen in your browser. To enhance your experience, press Shift or Alt (or Option for Mac) three times. Press Esc to close any dialogs. Configs can be modified in the Settings menu. Look Like a Hacker! (Batch File): In this quick and easy Instructable you can trick your friends into thinking that you hack! Feb 08, 2018 For a more old-school look, consider using Cool Retro Term, which is indeed what it sounds like: A cool retro terminal. I'll use Cool Retro Term for the screenshots below because it does indeed look 100% cooler. The first tool we'll look at is Genact. Feb 13, 2020 Apple users can open the command line of the Terminal, the Mac version of Command Prompt, by using Spotlight search or a general computer search for 'terminal'. 3 Use the Command Prompt or Terminal to imitate hacking. There are many commands that can be used in Windows Command Prompt and Apple Terminal to execute commands or query for information.

Have you ever wanted to become a hacker just to impress your friends or prank them maybe? Well, I can help you with the top 10 ways to look like a professional hacker. This post won’t teach you any of the hacking techniques, but I assure you’ll get some of the best hacks to fool just about anyone with your “great hacking skills.”

Want to look like a professional hacker minus the learning part?

Then, this post is for you. Now, let’s start with the simple hacks to prank your friends successfully and show off your hacking skills easily.

1. Type Secret Hacking Codes like Hackers

No, I am not asking you to learn to code. It is a simple and one of the best tricks to prank your friends and fool them into thinking you have hacked someone’s computer. Just log in to www.hackertyper.com and press a few keys. Then press Alt key twice.

A pop-up message stating “Access Granted” will be displayed on the screen. You only have to press a few keys to make sure friends believe in your “hacking capabilities.”

2. Change the Command Prompt Color for the Whole Hacker Feel

Have you ever seen the hackers in movies? The ones wearing ski masks typing gibberish codes in green color? Yes, that’s precisely how your friends have seen it too.

Just changing the command prompt text color can help you here. Additionally, you can also change the background color and text transparency from command prompt settings.

For changing the color, run the command prompt and type

color //?​

Hit enter and select the number of Green color. Alternately, you can also try other colors of your choice to pass off as a valid hacker in your group.

3. Trick Them with Chrome Passwords

People are lazy, and that includes your friends. I am sure at least 90% of your friends have saved their passwords on chrome for quicker log in time. Now, you can use this to your advantage.

Just type chrome://settings/passwords in the URL tab and hit enter. From here, you can steal all your friends’ saved passwords and log into their social media. This way will surely make them believe your story.

4. Inspect Element to Reveal Passwords

Shock your friend by stealing their Facebook passwords. It’s quite simple.

As you know, passwords are hidden by default. If your friends have entered a password, just click on the password tab and right click to Inspect Element. Now, change the text type from password to text. This action will reveal the hidden password, and you can make your friends think you did it with rigorous hacking.

This method is one of the best ways to look like a professional hacker using modern browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox.

5. Shutdown your Friend’s PC with your Custom Message

Here’s a brief code you can write on the notepad to shut down your friend’s PC without them knowing. Using this method, you can easily trick them into believing you have hacked their system.

Open the notepad and type the fun code:

@echo off
Shutdown.exe -s -t 10
msg* I told you not to mess with me!

Now, save this file as myvirus.bat

Your first virus made in notepad is ready!

6. Deploy Keylogger Software on your Friend’s Phone or PC

It is a reasonably simple way to look like a professional hacker in front of your friends. Take any of your friend’s phone or PC and download a keylogger software on it. A keylogger software essentially keeps a record of every keystroke and stores it in a log file.

Using this method, you can gain access to your friends’ passwords and show it to them later on.

7. Fake Windows Data Transfer Progress Bar to Prank your Buddies

Download this fake progress bar, and you’re good to go. You can also customize the icons, buttons, speed and progress bar message. Just tell your friends you have hacked into someone’s PC and show them the progress bar.

Your superior hacking skills will spellbind them.

8. Makeover your PC for the Look and Feel of a Hacker’s PC

Download Rainmeter and change the whole look of your PC. Rainmeter is one of the best Utility software for Windows PC that’ll give you the entire look and feel of a hacker’s PC using a Rainmeter hacker theme. Just bring your friends’ home and look at their surprised reactions at your hacking gadget.

Rainmeter is available for download free of cost.

9. Give your Laptop the Personality that Shouts Hacker

“What they will see, they will believe.” In simple words, you have to change the look of your laptop that screams hacker whenever your friends see it. Show your passion for hacking everywhere.

Purchase a laptop skin which is “hacker inspired” and select wallpapers that are mysterious and geeky to make your prank successful.

10. Prank your Friends with Resource Hacker

Resource Hacker is a free tool that you can use to prank your friends. Download this free software and modify the values to tell your friends how you’ve decompiled this software and then recompiled it with your modifications.

They’ll be stunned.

Wrapping Up

That’s all for this post!

These were my top 10 hacks or ways to look like a professional hacker in front of your friends. Try some or all of these methods to play a prank on your gullible friends, and they’ll believe you’re a hacker in no time.

Let me know if it worked for you or share some of your tricks. I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time. Happy Pranking!

Just about every geek and nerd that wants to be a hacker always wants to skip straight to the good stuff, and it’s no wonder why. There’s a certain amount of mystery, intrigue, and awe in being able to used advanced tools (such as those found on Kali Linux like Metasploit) to hack into another computing system. Hackers have been around for decades now, and are frequently present in action and thriller films, such as The Matrix. And to be fair, we’ve gone through some detailed guides that show how to use these tools.

For instance, we’ve already covered NMAP, Metasploit, and other similar tools. But there’s one big problem. These tools work almost exclusively at the command line, or in Linux, the BASH shell. And even the highest quality guides are flawed – especially in the hands of a newb. You see, a single article can’t hope to cover every eventuality, caveat, an ‘gotchas.’

Computers are composed of individual parts made all around the world, and assimilated as a hodgepodge of different manufacturers’ parts. The amount and type of memory, wireless card, processor architecture, HDD or SDD, peripheral devices, and more vary greatly from system to system, and Kali (or for that matter, Linux) can’t hope to to run exactly the same on every different piece of hardware.

Even if you’re hacking guide is highly detailed, chances are that you’ll run into a surprising error that doesn’t fit in nicely with your guide’s 12 easy steps. And most guides can’t hope to account for every single error. Doing so would lie far outside the scope of the guide.

As such, it’s imperative that hackers and penetration testers who want to learn how to hack have a solid foundational knowledge of common BASH shell concepts. Look folks, though they may not be the most ‘sexy’ commands, there are some simple commands that you need to know like the back of your hand.

If you get caught on the job not knowing how to run these simple commands, you’re likely going to get laughed out of the office – and perhaps even be handed a pink slip. So, today we’re going to be talking about general purpose BASH commands that you really need to know before moving on to advanced hacking topics. Basically, you need to be comfortable in a command line environment, so let’s start with one of my favorites: network interface configuration commands.

The network interface commands are also exceptionally useful for troubleshooting connectivity problems. Also, note that with few exceptions, the following commands are mostly universal. That is, they can be utilized on almost all varieties of Linux, and some of them can even be used in an OSX environment since Mac OSX is a descendant of BSD.

For reference, we are going to be taking a closer look at how to make shell configurations regarding the following topics:

  • Network interfaces

  • Canceling commands

  • Default gateways and routes

  • Piping commands

  • Viewing and killing processes

  • File system navigation

Many of these topics will be useful to those wishing to test for Linux certifications such as the Comptia Linux+ or LPI certs. To put it bluntly, you should really know these basics before trying to run advanced packet capture and Metasploit demos. So, without further adieu, let’s start with the network interface commands.

Network Interfaces

Whether using an internal wireless card in your laptop, Ethernet, or an external USB wireless interface, you had better darn well know how to configure them. Just about all of the wireless hacking demos we’ve run involve configuring a wireless interface in some way, and you need to know how read their current configuration. So, let’s start with the basics. The following command pulls up current interface configuration data:

  • ifconfig

Those of you who have worked in the Windows command prompt can easily remember this command, because it only has a single character that varies from the Window’s ipconfig command. Go ahead and run it, and notice that all of the data is separated by interface.

This command is incredibly useful because it will quickly display encapsulation type, MAC address, IP address, broadcast address, subnet mask, transmit and receive packet-count, total information sent over the interface, and other useful information. But it doesn’t show all the available data for that interface. For a more detailed report of interface data, simply run the following command:

  • ifconfig -a

In the command listed above, the -a parameter indicates ‘all.’ It will show incredibly detailed information that is useful to network engineers, and can help troubleshoot network interface problems. If your terminal window is getting too messy, you can simply enter the clear command to clear things up a bit. Also, you can run ifconfig followed by an interface’s name to only display parameters for that individual interface.

Furthermore, you’re going to need to know how to bring an interface online and offline (or up and down). Often times, after making a configuration change to an individual interface, it’s necessary to ‘bounce’ the interface by bringing it down, and then bringing it up again. You do need to have administrative privilges to run these commands. Also, note that if you’re running a live version of Linux – such as one installed on a bootable USB flash drive like Ubuntu Live – you’ll likely need to precede the commands with the sudo command.

  • ifconfig [interface_name] down

  • ifconfig [interface_name] up

So, for instance, if I wanted to reset my Ethernet interface, I would run the ifconfig eth0 down command. After waiting for a decent amount of time (30 seconds at least to be safe), I’d then run the ifconfig eth0 up. Note that the interface’s name includes a zero rather than the letter of the alphabet sandwiched between ‘N’ and ‘P.’ Your interface names may differ, too, so just run the ifconfig command to display the interfaces’ names.

And arguably, one of the largest reasons that Linux is so powerful is due to it’s command line. You can make configurations within seconds without having to go through long and contrived GUI windows to find the correct setting. It would be a good idea to know how to change IP address information on a per-interface basis as follows:

  • ifconfig eth0

  • ifconfig eth0 netmask

  • ifconfig eth0 broadcast

In order, these commands will set the IP address, subnet mask, and broadcast address of the specified interface – which is eth0 in this example. Next up, you’ll also want to know how to set an interface in promiscuous mode. This is an undoubtedly crucial tool for most kinds of wireless hacking, so let’s first define what this mode does.

Through various network mediums and address types (such as broadcast frames on wireless interfaces or broadcast data like ARP protocol data), an interface can be presented with frames that weren’t addressed to the receiving interface. The default action of the interface is to drop these packets, since it’s not the intended destination. However, many attacks leverage the information contained within the frames and packets.

By setting the interface in promiscuous mode, the interface will receive and process the frames that weren’t intended for it, and instead send them to the CPU for processing. Use the following command:

  • ifconfig eth0 promisc

Terminal commands to look like a hacker page

This mode of operation is frequently used in a lot of different network tools, such as protocol analyzers and packet captures. If you want to shut off promiscuous mode on an interface, simply run the following command:

  • ifconfig eth0 -promisc

Canceling a Command

Sometimes, for whatever reason, you may find that a command has frozen, locked up, or is simply taking too long to complete. Linux novices typically find this incredibly frustrating, and don’t know how to cancel the command. Instead, they simply close out the terminal window and open a new one – but there’s a much simpler way. Simply issue the following command hotkey to cancel currently running command or one that is hanging:

  • ctrl + c

To test it out, run something like a ping command. For instance, ping Google’s DNS servers with the ping command. You’ll notice that the shell will continue pinging the server on an endless loop. To stop the ping operation, just run the ctrl + c command and it should terminate.

Terminal Commands Mac For Look Like A Hacker Website Prank

Default Gateway and Routes

Every competent network engineer and penetration tester should have a firm grasp on routing technologies. It’s fairly atypical to setup custom routes for an individual computer, because that function is typically controlled by routers. Nevertheless, you should know how to view your Linux system’s routing table. And the command couldn’t be simpler, as follows:

  • route

The most practical purpose for this command is to check and verify your default route. In a home setting, the default route is going to almost always be your wireless router. But in corporate and professional network environments, there may be more complex configurations.

Piping Commands

One of the wonderful and powerful qualities of the BASH shell is that one command’s output can be used as input for another command. These features are unbelievably flexible, and allow for command formatting and complex configurations. However, we’re only going to be discussing the most rudimentary of piping techniques today.

You may have noticed that sometimes when entering a command, the entire shell window fills up with loads of text that all flit by in fractions of a second. If you want to read the output page by page, you can simply pipe it to the less command. The pipe symbol is located directly above the enter key on most keyboards, and looks like a solid vertical line. The syntax to pipe command output to less follows:

  • [command] | less

We’re going to be using this in the services and daemons section, but for now test it out on a simple command. For instance, issue the following command:

  • ifconfig -a | less

Doing so will display your network interface information one page at a time. Now you can use the arrow keys to move up and down the output, or hit the spacebar to move down an entire page. If you want to exit the output display, simply type the ‘q’ key to quit and be returned to the command prompt.

Viewing and Killing Currently Running Processes

There are a seemingly endless number of process running diligently in the background of your Linux system. It would be of great benefit to know how to view them and potentially kill them. Sometimes a process might malfunction, and even cause a memory leak. There are so many processes that, for the sake of this demonstration, we’re going to be piping the command output to less. Run the following command:

  • ps aux | less

Note that there are actually several ways to view currently running processes, too. Alternatively, you can use the jobs or top commands. They will show you related information, such as the owner, process ID, and other vital information about background processes.

How to look like a hacker on terminal

However, once in a while, you may need to shut one of these processes down. It’s rare for a process to render a Linux system completely unusable. Nevertheless, runaway and zombie background processes aren’t uncommon in a Window’s environment. And you should also consider that Linux is susceptible to viruses more than ever before. So, being able to kill a process is crucial. Simply use the following command:

  • kill[process_id]

For example, if I wanted to kill my Firefox process because it crashed and wasn’t behaving properly, I would issue the command as follows:

  • kill 17648

It’s just a matter of looking up the process ID before running the kill command.

File System Navigation

Though understanding the entirety of the Linux file system lies far outside the scope of this guide, knowing how to navigate the file system from the command line is one of the most basic and fundamental skills. The first command you need to know relates to knowing which directory you reside in.

In Linux, this is known as your current working directory. And the command to display that information is known as the print working directory command, as follows:

  • pwd

By default, you’re likely in the home directory. To change directories, simply use the following command:

  • cd [directory]

For instance, if I wanted to change to the root directory (assuming I had root privileges), I would type ‘cd /’. Also, if you simply wanted to move up one level to the next highest directory, you can issue the ‘cd ../’ command. But knowing what files and folders are available for navigation requires you to run the list command. Doing so will show you all files and folders within your current working directory. The basic command is as follows:

Terminal Commands Mac For Look Like A Hacker On Roblox

  • ls

This command will simply display common files and folders, but it has several useful parameters to display more information. If you wished to view the read, write, and edit permissions for the current user or group, simply issue a long-listing command as follows:

  • ls -l

This command will also display when a file was created or last edited, though it won’t display hidden files. If you’re trying to make a configuration change to an application file, it will likely be hidden, so simply run the following command:

  • ls -a

Terminal Commands Mac For Look Like A Hacker In Cmd

Note that all of the hidden files and folders will be preceded with the ‘.’ character. There are actually a lot of different flags that can be used with the ls command, but this should suffice for basic file system navigation. Between the ls, cd, and pwd commands, you should be able to navigate throughout your HDD/SDD’s Linux file system by only using the terminal.

Final Thoughts

These don’t make up every foundational command that you should learn in order to be competent using the BASH shell. However, these are certainly some of the most important from a perspective of penetration testing and hacking. In particular, you should learn the ifconfig and route commands, and know them like the back of your hand.

If you’re new to the BASH shell, I’d learn these commands – and learn them well – before pursuing harder tutorials. But after using the shell for a while, perhaps as little as a week or two, they should become second nature to you. And having the ability to pull up all of this information on the fly is what makes Linux so powerful.

You won’t have to navigate through a tedious organization of text fields and GUI windows. Though Windows does have the CMD prompt, it isn’t anywhere near as powerful as the BASH shell. Once you factor in the ability to write and run scripts and use advanced tools like Metasploit, you’ll begin to understand what makes Kali Linux so formidable. Stay tuned for more tutorials as well, because we’ll run through tutorials to help demystify the most popular Kali command line tools that hackers and penetration testers use to break other computing systems.

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I've blogged about Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal but folks have asked very specifically, how do I make my prompt look like that?

Step One - Get the Terminal

Get Windows Terminal free from the Store. You can also get it from GitHub's releases but I recommend the store because it'll stay up to date automatically.

Note that if you were an early adopter of the Windows Terminal and you've released updated beyond 0.5, I'd recommend you delete or zero-out your profiles.json and let the Terminal detect and automatically recreate your profiles.json.

Step Two for PowerShell - Posh-Git and Oh-My-Posh

Per these directions, install Posh-Git and Oh-My-Posh. This also assumes you've installed Git for Windows.

Run these commands from PowerShell or PowerShell Core. I recommend PowerShell 6.2.3 or above. You can also use PowerShell on Linux too, so be aware. When you run Install-Module for the first time you'll get a warning that you're downloading and installing stuff from the internet so follow the prompts appropriately.

Hacker Typer

Also get PSReadline if you're on PowerShell Core:

Then run 'notepad $PROFILE' and add these lines to the end:

Now that word Paradox there is optional. It's actually the name of a theme and you can (and should!) pick the theme that makes you happy and use that theme's name here. I like Agnoster, Paradox, or Fish, myself. Read more over here. https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh

Step Two for Ubuntu/WSL

There's a number of choices for Powerline or Powerline-like prompts from Ubuntu. I like Powerline-Go for it's easy defaults.

I just installed Go, then installed powerline-go with go get.

Add this to your ~/.bashrc. You may already have a GOPATH so be aware.

GOTCHA: If you are using WSL2, it'll be lightning fast with git prompts if your source code is in your Ubuntu/Linux mount, somewhere under ~/. However, if your source is under /mnt/c or /mnt anywhere, the git calls being made to populate the prompt are super slow. Be warned. Do your Linux source code/git work in the Linux filesystem for speed until WSL2 gets the file system faster under /mnt.

At this point your Ubuntu/WSL prompt will look awesome as well!

Fonts look weird? Uh oh!

Step Three - Get a better font

If you do all this and you see squares and goofy symbols, it's likely that the font you're using doesn't have the advanced Powerline glyphs. Those glyphs are the ones that make this prompt look so cool!

At the time of this writing there is active talk of getting Powerline and other Nerd Fonts into Cascadia Code, the new font that ships with Windows Terminal. In the short term, you can get a forked version of Cascadia Code called Delugia Code and download that.

Cascadia Codehas been updated with a PL (Powerline) Glyph version! Go get it at https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code/releases and change the fontFace in your settings.json to 'Cascadia Code PL'

Terminal Commands To Look Like A Hacker

Remember also you can get lots of Nerd Fonts at https://www.nerdfonts.com/, just make sure you get one (or generate one!) that includes PowerLine Glyphs.

Have fun!

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About Scott


Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

Terminal Commands To Look Like A Hacker On Roblox
